Lord said: 'Write the vision plainly on tablets, for the reader to understand. The vision is for a set time; It will speak at the end. - Hab 2:2-3

Core Beliefs

At Greater Dreams Church, core beliefs are grounded in the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All teaching and ministry flow from these biblical doctrines.


We believe that salvation is a gift of grace from God, offered through faith in Jesus Christ. It is through His sacrificial death and resurrection that individuals can be redeemed and reconciled with God. Our mission is to preach this Gospel of Salvation to all, regardless of their background or previous beliefs, reaching beyond ecumenical and denominational boundaries to bring the lost and those who have strayed back to God. (Mark 16:15-16)


We believe in the importance of worship that is pure, undefiled, and spontaneous. Worship should be conducted in spirit and in truth, as God the Father seeks true worshippers who honor Him in this manner. This form of worship is not only a calling but a way of life, reflecting a deep and sincere connection with God that surpasses all other forms of devotion. (John 4:23-24)


We believe in the power of intercessory prayer as a means to stand in the gap for others. This involves continuous prayer, brokenness, and travail, aimed at making up the hedge for our community, especially the Detroit Metropolitan area. Intercessory prayer is seen as the driving force behind all spiritual accomplishments and is vital for the protection and well-being of the community. (Ezekiel 22:30)


We believe in the manifestation of God's power through miracles, signs, and wonders. This includes divine healing for both mental and physical ailments, diseases, and afflictions. By developing proficient healing teams, we aim to address the diverse needs of the multitudes, demonstrating God's love and power in practical ways.
(Exodus 23:25-26, Acts 10:38)


We believe in the necessity of deliverance from demonic influences, including possession, oppression, and other spiritual bondages. Deliverance is a vital aspect of the Christian faith, as it allows individuals to experience true freedom and demonstrates the authority and power of the Gospel in action. (Matthew 4:23-24, Mark 16:17)


We believe in the importance of benevolence, extending support to local, domestic, and international missions. The church is called to provide for those in need, following the great commission that charges the body of Christ with the responsibility of caring for those in mission fields and beyond. (Romans 10:14-15)


We believe in the critical role of discipleship in training, equipping, and developing believers in their diverse spiritual gifts and callings. Emphasis is placed on the Holy Spirit as the primary teacher, guiding individuals into all truth, and on the comprehensive teaching of the Word of God to build a strong and unified church body.
(1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11-16, John 16:13-14, Acts 20:27)